Industry PartnersMission Electric is actively seeking industry partners in the electric vehicle industry or power companies and utilities. As a light- to heavy-duty vehicle automaker, EVSE & network service provider, local or large power provider, or other governmental institution or business, you can join Mission Electric for opportunities to get involved in the electric vehicle movement in New York.
If this sounds like you, please contact us. |
Sign Up For Our NewsletterMission Electric provides updates on electric vehicle programs, events & more!
Sign up to keep up to date with the latest in EV technology in New York. |
Support Mission Electric
Mission Electric is a New York-based electric vehicle campaign brought to you by Empire Clean Cities. Empire Clean Cities is a 501(c)(3) environmental nonprofit with a mission to ensure clean air for future generations. Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible and will only be used by Empire Clean Cities towards the Mission Electric campaign and messaging.
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We truly appreciate your support!