EV Incentives & Ways to Save
There are lots of ways to save on the purchase or lease of your next EV. From your utility to tax rebate programs, click through the menu items to learn just how much you can save!
EV Tax Credit (State & Federal)
Utility EV Incentives
EV Perks
EVSE Incentives (State & Federal)
Utility EVSE Incentives
Funding for Fleets
The New York State Drive Clean Rebate is open to all car buyers in New York State. It is a point-of-sale rebate towards the purchase or lease of a new electric car. Rebate amounts of up to $2,000 are awarded based on the all-electric range of a vehicle. Can be combined with the Federal EV/PHEV Tax Credit.
Get a credit of up to $4,000 for used vehicles purchased from a dealer for $25,000 or less! The amount equals 30% of purchased price, with a maximum credit of $4,000.
Note: Vehicle must be purchased from a dealer, have a sale price of $25,000 or less, and must have a model year two years prior to the current calendar year. Other requirements apply. |
All-electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell electric vehicles purchased new in 2023 or after may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500.The availability of the credit will depend on several factors, including the vehicle's MSRP, its final assembly location, battery component and/or critical minerals sourcing, and your modified adjusted gross income (AGI). This tax credit an be combined with the New York State Drive Clean Rebate. Please refer to AFDC for more information and to claim credit, use Form 8936 Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit.
The IRS gives eligible plug-in electric drive vehicles a tax credit up to $2500 and if it meets additional requirements, tax credit can be rewarded up to $7500. A list of qualified electric vehicles include passenger vehicles and light trucks: Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit form.
The IRS gives eligible qualified fuel cell motor vehicles a tax credit up to $8000. Tax credits are also available for medium and heavy duty fuel cell vehicles. The Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit form has further instructions on how to claim for tax credit.
The New York State Electric Utility Service Map a visual representation to understanding which utility company serves electricity to particular regions in New York State. Each territory is color-coded to represent the service area of specific utilities, such as Con Edison, National Grid, NYSEG, and others. After identifying the utility company that serves your area, scroll down to find the EV and/or charging incentives available through your service provider.
Con Edison
Central Hudson
National Grid
The Green Pass Discount Plan offers a special 10% discount to eligible Plug-In Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric vehicles. To be eligible, customers must first have an established E-ZPass account with NYSTA, and, proof of vehicle registration is required to receive the special 10% discount off of the E-ZPass rate.
The Clean Pass Program allows eligible plug-in EVs to use the Long Island Expressway HOV lanes, regardless of how many people are in the vehicle. Vehicles must display a Clean Pass vehicle sticker that is available from the New York State DMV.
In New York State, battery electric vehicles are exempt from state motor vehicle emissions inspections.
We can support your workplace charging project from idea to implementation with our technical, planning, installation, and incentive program expertise. Mission Electric is working with CALSTART to engage businesses and employees who are interested in exploring the benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV charging infrastructure (EVSE) in the workplace. Contact us today!
NYSERDA seeks proposals to develop Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) along Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs) in New York State south of I-84 using up to $28.5 million of the federal formula funding under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. This program is intended to reduce the cost of purchasing and installing DCFC EVSE for use in New York State and ultimately accelerate electric vehicle (EV) adoption.
Charge Ready NY 2.0 offers public and private organizations that install Level 2 EV charging stations at public parking facilities, workplaces, and multifamily apartment buildings rebates of $4,000 per charging port installed at a public facility (must be located within a DAC) and $2,000 per charging port installed at a workplace or multi-unit dwelling location. Visit the website to get started.
The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit from the IRS gives eligible US businesses and residents 30% off their entire EV charging hardware purchase (up to $30,000). Credit extends back to purchases made in 2018-2019.
You or your business is entitled to a property credit for investments in new electric vehicle recharging property. The credit for each installation is equal to the lesser of $5,000 or 50% of the cost of property.
Con Edison
National Grid
Central Hudson
Businesses and tax-exempt organizations that buy a qualified commercial clean vehicle may qualify for a clean vehicle tax credit of up to $40,000 under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 45W. The credit equals the lesser of:
For more information, go to fueleconomy.org |
Clean Agriculture is a voluntary program that promotes the reduction of diesel exhaust emissions from agricultural equipment and vehicles by encouraging proper operations and maintenance by farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses, use of emissions-reducing technologies, and use of cleaner fuels. Visit DERA for more information.
The ZEV and Infrastructure Pilot Program provides funding to airports for up to 50% of the cost to acquire ZEVs and install or modify supporting infrastructure for acquired vehicles. Grant funding must be used for airport-owned, on-road vehicles used exclusively for airport purposes. For more information, see the Zero Emissions Airport Vehicle and Infrastructure Pilot Program website.
The Low or No Emission competitive program provides funding to state and local governmental authorities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses as well as the acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities. The Low or No Emission competitive program provides funding to state and local governmental authorities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses as well as the acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.
The Clean School Bus Program will provide funding to replace existing school buses with low- or zero-emission school buses. EPA can offer grants and rebates to assist fleets in purchasing new, cleaner school buses and the associated charging and fueling infrastructure.